Michael O’Leary

The Independent har i dag et stort intervju med den frittalende Ryanair-sjefen Michael O’Leary. Som vanlig når han uttaler seg er det god underholdning…

Blant annet får British Airways gjennomgå:

“Now, with oil coming back from $140 a barrel to $110, there has been no sign of BA reducing its surcharges. Not a hint. They won’t give it back because they are just a bunch of dishonest rapists.”

I ask O’Leary if he would like to reconsider that remark, for the record. He puts on a mock English accent: “We respect our competitors, we value their judgement.” But then he goes back into his normal Irish brogue: “Sorry, no: they’re just a bunch of high-fared, dishonest rapists.”

Les hele intervjuet her.

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